The year 2020 will also go down in history for the sad milestone, one of the few achieved, of the record number of races cancelled, postponed or organised in a way that has little to do with the spirit of those who, like us, also love running as an opportunity to get together and compete not only in terms of time.
But what can we do to get the better of this difficult time?
One of the pieces of advice that we at MioMio Run would like to share with you is to take advantage of this horizon devoid of major appointments to regain serenity, especially after extremely difficult months. Running without chronometric nagging is the right opportunity to rediscover ourselves, savour those sensations of well-being to which we were no longer accustomed and make peace with that world that until a few months ago pointed us out as undoers.
It may be the right time to recover once and for all from that annoying little pain that used to plague Sunday runs and did not allow us to return home with a full smile.
Even radically changing the way we train could lead us to welcome surprises. Increasing the mileage, limiting the number of quality workouts given the lack of opportunities to do them, can help us to create a base which will be useful when we resume our normal weekly programme with a view to races.
However, group training is not forbidden, so we can always get together in company to share the fatigue and feel less exhausted at the end of the race, happy because the 30 km long run flew by without even realising how tired we were.
And, for lovers of races at all costs, it can be an opportunity to take advantage of to improve effort management in the only races that seem to be possible today, namely time trials or in isolated contexts, such as in the mountains.
We will soon be back on more important stages and taking back our spaces without fear of the virus and of creating crowds, perhaps even being annoyed at being pressed too hard at the start and having our feet stepped on.
In the meantime, however, let us try to reap what good we can in this delicate period of transition.
Good racing, good training and good recovery to you all!