Running and Christmas parties? It can be done!
As Daley Thompson, former British European, World and Olympic champion multiplist and sprinter, used to say, “on Christmas Day, train twice. Your opponents, if it goes well, will only do it once‘.
Taking our cue from this maxim, perhaps a tad far-fetched for us mere mortals, we can nevertheless confirm the benefits oftraining during the Christmas holidays.
First of all, we should have more time available than the usual hustle and bustle of working days: ideal to take it easy and set aside the right amount of time for a proper workout. Warm-up, jog and final defatigue. All the better if in company. Because you know, working out in a group is less tiring and more fun.
Moreover, we know that Christmas is synonymous with big binges, sweets and extravagance that we usually don’t have the time (or the excuse!) to indulge in. This is why it is necessary to help the metabolism to dispose of excesses. Putting on a few extra kilograms of weight would complicate the resumption of the normal training programme once the holidays are over.
Approaching the matter from the opposite perspective, then, one can safely say that running during the holidays is the best way to ‘work up an appetite’ and arrive in shape and with less guilt in front of a set table.
It can also happen that, precisely by taking advantage of the fact of being freer of commitments, the desire comes to exercise more than when this possibility is annihilated by work, school and various appointments. Logically, however, this is an opportunity that must be exploited intelligently and without excessive forcing so as not to run the opposite risk: that of overtraining.
For those who are going on holiday out of town, or who want to enjoy their holidays as much as possible, lighter and less prolonged training than usual is recommended.
The important thing, in any case, is never to give up a bit of healthy exercise: not only the scales, but also your physique, mood, conscience and resulting well-being will thank you!
If you want to take a cue from Daley Thompson, roll up your sleeves but always remember that he, a world-class Olympic athlete, was only talking about Christmas Day.
That it is always good to give yourself at least one day a week of rest.
And that recovery is sometimes the best form of training you can plan!
Happy holidays and good workouts to all!