“Why start running?”
More and more I notice how many runners I meet on the street.
Both on my way to work in the morning, and on my return in the evening, but also (and especially) on Sunday mornings, or perhaps on Monday afternoons. In the rain, to boot.
To be honest, I was positively amazed, because something is actually changing.
Probably the delicate historical period we are living in has also contributed to awakening in some of us the desire to get back into the game.
Because, after all, going for a run or a nice walk is an easy way to give time to ourselves.
But there are still a good number of people who do not know the joys of running and the feeling of well-being after a long walk outdoors.
Today, therefore, I will try to give you five good reasons to start running. And, if I manage to convince even just one of you, it will be a great satisfaction for me.
Extensive studies show that running regularly has a positive influence on bone density. It is good for your bones and joints, since by moving and training your muscles, your bones are also stressed, which is why they are kept in good shape.
In addition, exercising outdoors promotes the production of vitamin D, which the body is only able to supplement with the help of sunlight. This nutrient is indispensable for strengthening bones, which is why running outdoors is good for you and preferable to the monotony of a treadmill or indoor activity.
Running is an activity that mobilises practically every muscle in the body and helps burn calories, tones the muscles and dries out the body. Combining 2 or 3 running sessions per week with a light diet rich in fruit is a panacea for getting in shape and feeling lighter. Running is an aerobic type of physical activity and requires significant physical effort: this translates into a significant calorie expenditure, which is difficult to achieve with other sports in the same time frame.
So, if you want to lose weight, running is undoubtedly a good choice.
Exercise helps to strengthen the immune system and protect it against infections.
Running, in fact, has precisely an anti-inflammatory action and therefore, in the long term, regular physical activity can protect against the onset of chronic diseases.
This happens because it increases the production of certain hormones such as dopamine, which increases the production of antibodies and activates a mechanism that generates a generalised benefit.
The benefits of running are also found at the neurological level and also involve the youngest: there are studies that have shown a connection between constant exercise and an improvement in cognitive functions: children and young people who train consistently and, in particular, who apply themselves to running, have enhanced learning abilities compared to sedentary peers.
In fact, training increases cerebral vascularisation, neural plasticity and the production of neurotrophic factors: elements that combine to make our brains work better and stay ‘young’ for as long as possible.
Running, therefore, makes us learn better, sooner, and is also good for our memory.
During sporting activity, our bodies produce endorphins, hormones that promote a good mood and reduce stress and tension. Therefore, it can be said that running contributes to everyone’s psychophysical well-being, as it is good for the health of the mind and helps to keep the brain active.
Just half an hour of running three times a week is enough to feel fit and get a boost of energy to cope with everyday life.
That’s right: running is within everyone’s reach and is a sport that is accessible anywhere, in any climate and at any time!
Wherever you are, you can always find a time to run: on holiday, in the sun, in the rain or why not, even in the snow.
There are no limits, all you need is a good pair of shoes and you’re good to go.
If we look at another aspect, running is also an inexpensive sport, because you don’t need expensive, sophisticated equipment: all you need is a good pair of shoes on your feet.
And that’s exactly why we at MioMio Run are here: to recommend the shoe that’s right for you!
You just have to give it a try… and take advantage of the moment to do some bargain shopping!